Dear Brother
Regarding the Old and New
Covenants - when did the
New Covenant go into
effect; at the cross or at
Here is the line of
1. We know that the Old
Covenant was finished at the cross.
2. There had to be a covenant. There could not be a
time period without one.
3. So, the time period between the resurrection and
Pentecost HAD to be covered. Was it covered
with the New or Old Covenant?
A covenant goes into effect at the death of the testator.
Hebrews 9:16-17
Let’s suppose I died. My will would be in effect, but those
who were going to be my heirs do not know the terms of
my will.
At the reading of the will they will hear the terms of the will
and who the heirs are and under what conditions. It will
also tell who is excluded and who will serve as those in
authority to carry out my will. Once appointed by my will
they then will carry it out in the heirs’ favor.
In my personal will I have excluded anyone from inheriting
who would try to call in doubt or file suit against the will.
They are automatically disinherited.
Jesus died.
That was the requirement for the Will to have force. Jesus
then sent out the apostles with the terms of the Will.
On Pentecost they were endowed with power and were
the announcers and the authority who was to see that
Christ’s Will was known and obeyed by those who desired
to be heirs.
I believe that those who believe and are baptized shall be
heirs and whosoever believeth not shall not inherit. They
cannot enter into the Kingdom’s inheritance because they
were not born of the water and the Spirit. John 3:5
Just as those under the preaching of John rejected the
counsel of God by not being baptized of him, those who
will not enter into Christ are outside of Christ and
therefore are not heirs according to the promise.
A personal illustration may help.
My uncle wanted my four sisters and me to inherit his
money. He put us as beneficiaries to an Annuity. It was
mailed on December 18th. He died on December 24th. It
did not reach the insurance company until after he died
and therefore the insurance company would not give us
the inheritance.
The second wife of my cousin, whom my uncle never met,
received a great part of it. In fact, more than his intended
This is because if you do not have a will, it goes to your
wife, children, father and mother, brothers and sisters. He
had none of these as they had all died. So the law insists
it go to his sibling’s children equally.
So one third of his money went to one of his sister’s
deceased son’s daughter (that he saw once in his life),
one third went to his sister’s other son (whom he did not
want to get any, and did not because he died a week
before the inheritance was issued, so his new wife got it),
and one third went to his brother’s kids (which was whom
he intended to have all of the money).
You see, if you do not have a will, you have a will by State
law. The above is how the State of Illinois determines who
gets the inheritance.
The point is, for a while I thought I was going to get one
fourth of all he had. As it ended up I only received a fourth
of a third of his money.
The death is essential and the valid will at the time of
death must be determined.
"From the cowardice that shrinks from
new truth, from the laziness that is content
with half truths, from the arrogance that
thinks it knows all truth, O, God of Truth,
deliver us."
B-5422 THE GOSPEL UNASHAMED January 2009
If I would have gone out and bought a new car, thinking
that I was going to get the larger amount, I would have
been in trouble because I was not heir of a fourth of the
whole but only a fourth of a third of the inheritance.
The Jews thought they would inherit just because they
were the physical descendants of Abraham.
Those living between the death of Christ and Pentecost
were obviously in a transition period.
Many on Pentecost thought they were saved and were
not and were told they had to repent and be baptized in
order to received the remission of sins and the gift of the
Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:38, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be
baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for
the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the
Holy Ghost.”
Suppose an assumed heir finds at the reading of the Will
that he is not really an heir to the house he is living in, the
car he is driving, or that the money he is spending cannot
or will not meet the terms of the Will.
He may have assumed he would inherit them but finds he
must move from the house, give up the keys to the car,
and spend no more money.
So likewise, once the terms of the Will of Christ were
made known, those not complying with the Terms of the
Will forfeited any rights to the inheritance. It is those “In
Christ” who are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to
the promise.
Galatians 3:27-29, “27 For as many of you as have
been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There
is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free,
there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in
Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye
Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
I hope this helps.
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